Stories (14001 Stories)

Title Rating Hype Words Created
The Weaving Force [Star Wars - Pseudo GM] by LD1449 on SB SV SV AO3 1918 47 575K
Fate/Poisoned Journey [Fate] by TheSpiritofFire on SB 30 85 10K
Goddamn Teenagers [Time Travel] by dc2008 on SB SV SV AO3 1834 85 160K
I will Lead Planning thread [OC] by Ha_Space on SB 0 0 0
Ignis et Furor by marackomarac33 on SB 339 150 260K
Physician, Heal Thyself by Loke_Lyon on SB AO3 192 112 12K
Master-Stranger by Fabius Maximus on SB 510 85 6.7K
My Next Life as a Parahuman: All Routes Lead to Gold Morning! by seikaijichi on SB 798 371 30K
A Good Neighbour - a Worm crossover story by CountAile on SB 614 83 200K
The Epic of Sir Wynne, the American Knight by Mojus on SB 21 3 13K
Missy Byron and the Kaleidostick of Madness by Maglad on AO3 16 336 4.7K
Chief of Cops, Taylor Herbert by Blood_Librarian on SB 22 25 17K
Superman Dropped Into Worm [Superman] by RocketCat17 on AO3 16 162 1.7K
The Great Problem [Rain World] by the_commissar13 on AO3 5 108 5.3K
Recurve [Gamer] by SniperFrog on SB 779 6 90K