Stories (14201 Stories)

Title Rating Hype Words Created
Heavenly Mage FI/OC [Type-Moon] by Enixxx on SB 152 59 34K
My Sister is a Combat Nerd by deadtorights on AO3 49 142 30K
The Weaver's Web [The Shadow] by Fabius Maximus on SB AO3 1837 237 230K
Breachhead [Lancer] by Unwary on AO3 540 11 58K
Imitation Game by Camo30209 on SB AO3 105 100 16K
The Theo Story Idea, Oneshot and Discussion Thread by Crabbmanboi on SB 0 0 3K
Taylor's Arch-Enemy [SI OC] by Gorilla Glue on SB 267 534 31K
Starting Small [Anarchist Punk] by BeeGneiss on SB AO3 154 8 37K
Viltrumight [Invincible SI] by All Weak on SB 0 0 4.6K
Saved By Waifu by CasualDarkSouls on AO3 255 10 374K
The Torch of Harmony [My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic] by KingofTerror on AO3 18 13 50K
The Far, Far Queen [Slime rancher] by hunter529 on SB 155 163 30K
Flower of Flesh by Garnyan on SB AO3 108 2 15K
Sneaking His Way into the Multiverse [RWBY] by LazyAutumnMoon on AO3 439 30 183K
The Chimera by crusader_exodus on AO3 12 84 20K